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Big Hank

A member registered Nov 23, 2021

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Commenting here for visibility for people considering purchasing this game on sale.

From FEYADA (creator of this game) themselves:
"If you spent $10 - you will receive a new version on the day of its release.

If you spent $5 - you will receive a new version in 1-2 weeks after the release.

If you spent 1$ - you will receive the penultimate version of the game as soon as a new version is released."

To clarify, if you paid $5 (50%) off, you will still not have the $10 version.

Yes, you read that correctly. You in fact have the $5 dollar version. So you will get access to updates 1-2 weeks after the release. The "50% off" is deceptive marketing to make you think you are getting the $10 version. You are not. You are getting delayed access.

This is a great game, but a real shame FEYADA has opted to use such misleading methods to monetise their game.

Then don't list the $5 option as 50% off? 

This isn't 50% off. This is a different pricing threshold.

50% off would be getting the $10 access for $5. What you have done is added a $5 option, then deceived your customers by telling them it's 50% off. No it isn't. You're selling a different price threshold at 0% off.

Very underhanded way to go about selling your game.